History :

Scholars College was established in the year 1982, by the Late Prof. Syed Khurshid Alam. It is the pioneer college, in the private sector of Lahore, primarily it was established for commerce education, but gradually it moved into sciences and information technology education.
Scholars College has produced thousands of students, who are now serving the humanity here and abroad. The said institution has not delivered quality education at affordable fee structure, but it has also shaped the character of its students.
Whenever the history will be written about the revolution and evolution of private sector in the education landscape of Pakistan, by the grace of God, it will start with the introduction of Scholars College.

ii. Vision

Use education as a medium to change, for a better a tomorrow.

iii. Mission

We will train the educators/ trainers/ teachers/ scholars with modern teaching aids and techniques to impart high standard of quality education to our students. Our institution will also build strong civic sense in the students through symposiums/ workshops/ seminars/ and environmental fairs.

iv. Founding Chairman

Late Prof. Syed Khurshid Alam, is the name imperative in the education field of Lahore. He was a seasoned educationist and a self-made man. From his early age of 15, he started giving tuition to students to support himself, and the rest is history.
He joined Government College University Lahore, first as a student in intermediate, and then continued his BSc Physics there, and finally his MSc in Physics, from the same alma mater.
Subsequently, he joined GCU Lahore as a Lecturer and retired as an Associate Professor of Physics. He has the honor to serve under the great Prof. Samar Muabarkmand. He was shortlisted to join Atomic Commission of Pakistan, but he pursued his passion for teaching, and eventually established Scholars College, which a hallmark in the private sector of Pakistan.
Since the inception of Scholars College he dedicated himself to this institute, and died in this noble cause of educating the nation. 
His name will always live with Scholars College.
May his kind soul rest in eternal peace. (Ameen)

v. Message from Chairperson – Dr. Nasira Sultana

Dr. Nasira Sultana is the chairperson of Scholars College, she has extensive experience in management of educational institutes and medical facilities. She is committed to the cause of quality education to everybody; despite the difference of color, creed, and religion.
Her message to the students is:
“My dear students I want to share my life lessons with you in this message. Please be positive, have faith in yourself, respect your elders, especially your parents, and be loyal to Allah. Your loyalty to Allah demands you to follow His guidelines for you, which are explained in Quran, and for practical implementation you can openly refer the life of Prophet Muhammad SAW”.

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